The Confident Celiac Community

A safe space to become a strong gluten-free advocate with other celiacs just like you.

Stop apologizing for your celiac disease & feel good in your gluten-free identity.

✅ Let go of people-pleasing with your gluten-free diet!

✅ Dine in restaurants, take vacations, & attend events again!

✅ Stop feeling left out & start spreading awareness in your area!

With celiac wins like this…

It’s no surprise that my clients are living their lives to the fullest with celiac disease!

I see you, celiac friend.

You have your separate butter in the fridge labeled “GF” so no one contaminates it. 

You have the Find Me Gluten Free app downloaded on your phone to locate gluten-free menus in restaurants.

You said goodbye to regular-sized bread 😅 and hello to tiny loaves with occasional holes (ugh, the worst!)

You feel like you’ve got a good handle on avoiding gluten.

But when your mom wants to meet for lunch and the restaurant doesn’t look like a safe choice

When your job has a conference & your boss asks what meal you’d prefer for the catered dinner

When Aunt Holly asks you to Thanksgiving but you know she has no clue what cross-contact or gluten are..

And when you get an invitation to a friend’s destination wedding in Mexico ..

You realize this gluten-free thing is SO much more complicated than you originally thought.

Because here’s the problem:

Food is social. 

It’s part of our cultures, our families, our jobs, our relationships, our celebrations- everything! 

Food is integral to all of these things, so these situations happen all the time!

And if you’re like most of my clients, you probably feel uncomfortable with your new gluten-free diet.

I totally understand. 

It’s really hard to be accommodated when you NEVER gave a second thought to what goes in a salad dressing or if there’s a separate fryer for French fries.

  • Maybe you say “I’m gluten-free”, but then someone jokes you must be doing it to lose weight, and you shut down.

  • Or maybe you end up saying “It’s fine” drinking water at a birthday party while everyone else has chocolate cake (your favorite), when it isn't.

  • Worst of all, you find yourself saying no to things you’d really like to do because you’re afraid you’ll just be bothering someone with questions about the food!

So does this sound familiar?

You know it’s important to keep yourself safe from gluten, but you don’t want to be annoying. 

You feel like nobody understands how uncomfortable you feel asking how a hamburger was cooked (or heaven forbid, CALLING a restaurant to ask!)

You’ve tried to speak up about your diagnosis but every other word out of your mouth is “Sorry."

Here's the truth, friend.

Your partner doesn't get why you’re crying at Starbucks because you can’t have a blueberry muffin.

But we do.

So if you’ve ever:

  • Felt like you’re a burden to your family and friends because of your diet 

  • Been nervous to ask questions of a server, of a close family member, a colleague, or even your best friend about food preparation…

  • Got emotional when you couldn’t partake in a late-night fast food run with your friends for pancakes at IHOP…

And you’re wondering “Why didn’t they tell me celiac was going to be so hard?”

It’s because “Just go gluten-free” doesn’t cut it. 

And yet it’s what most people are told when they receive a celiac diagnosis from their doctor.

Not knowing how complicated it is to not only avoid gluten, but speak up for yourself every. single. day.

And if you keep doing what you are now...

If you keep over-apologizing, hiding your diagnosis, & trying to do this all on your own...

You’ll end up overwhelmed managing your gluten-free diet in a gluten-filled world...

But you'll also be exhausted & lonely, wondering if celiac will ever get any easier.

It's time to make a change.

To step into a stronger version of yourself.

To embrace your gluten-free identity and let celiac become your SUPERPOWER.

Kierstin travels to new places every month with celiac disease!

Alyssa dines out in restaurants, friends' houses, and while camping!

Can you imagine...

Enjoying yourself at parties with food?

Taking trips without fear?

Befriending other celiacs in your area?

Hey, I'm Jen!

Hi! I'm Jen Fitzpatrick, M.Ed, Celiac Coach, Blogger & Founder of The Nomadic Fitzpatricks, LLC.

I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2009 and my doctor told me "Just go gluten-free". I spent 10 years teaching myself everything when it came to staying celiac-safe while struggling with multiple health complications and people-pleasing tendencies.

As a coach, I teach you to feel prepared to navigate this gluten-filled world with the knowledge, skills, and self-confidence to keep yourself safe & enjoy your gluten-free adventures - all while speaking up and feeling good about your gluten-free diet.

Feeling confident with celiac disease is as simple as 1, 2, 3!

1) Mindset: You reframe old thoughts of being a bother so you know your needs matter and are worthy of voicing.

2) Practice: You practice speaking up around other celiacs, so you trust yourself & feel comfortable doing so when out in the world.

3) Connection: You celebrate your wins, hold space for each other, and meet other celiacs through virtual meetings and in-person events, so you don't feel so alone having celiac disease!

CCC is the only online community where you can truly feel less alone with celiac disease in just 1 session.

What's Included In Your Membership

  • 2 Monthly 60-minute Zoom Coaching Calls so you can connect with other members, ask questions, share wins, and discuss topics relevant to celiac disease

  • Group Chat so you can get advice for your challenges with celiac disease, make friendships, and share what you're proud of!

  • Guest speakers & cooking classes, including celiac-specialized dietitians, so you can continue learning about celiac disease & eating gluten-free.

  • Access to the ever-growing gluten-free resource library so you have ideas, inspiration, and suggestions to make gluten-free life easier.

  • Exclusive 20% discount off my gluten-free online courses to continue practicing your celiac skills and grow your confidence for traveling, dining out, and speaking up

  • First access & discounts to upcoming gluten-free travel retreats to celiac-friendly destinations, like New York City (where the group went in May 2023!)

CCC meetup at the Beyond Celiac Community Summit in Greenwich, CT, September 2023!


When are the meetings? What if I miss one?

The meetings are typically the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 8 PM EST! And if you can't make one, the calls are recorded and uploaded to the Mighty Networks platform.

Who is this community for? What is the vibe here?

  • You are an adult who was diagnosed with celiac disease and wants to meet other celiacs, just like you! 

  • You believe in science & research and want evidence-based resources for celiac safety (Because Facebook Groups are terrifying!)

  • You get excited when a restaurant has a dedicated gluten-free fryer, love discovering gluten-free bakeries, and get frustrated when people say "gluten-free diets are a fad" (not true!)

  • You want to live a FULL life with celiac disease - traveling, dining out in restaurants, and attending social events, and feel confident doing so!

How much is my membership?

Membership is $65/month and you can cancel at any time if the group is no longer serving you!

I've had celiac for a long time but still want to connect with other gluten-free folks. Can I join?

Of course, you can! The group has a mixture of newly diagnosed to veteran celiacs. This is a safe space & all celiacs are welcome here!

Where do I sign up!?

Click below to get started! Membership is ongoing and we can't WAIT to meet you!

Medical Disclaimer: 

This community is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You understand this group is not providing health care, medical, nutritional, or therapy services to cure any physical, mental, or emotional disease. You agree and acknowledge that you must consult your physician, healthcare provider, or dietitian regarding any medications, supplements, tests, or treatment options for celiac disease.